Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday Evening HonesTea

Four months have passed since writing here.  Why I thought I'd be able to maintain a blog is beyond me.  Life would be simpler if I could write a comment here or there on Facebook or Twitter; my daily quota of socializing with x number of people would be met.  However, I've been thirsty for genuine, thoughtful and meaningful, interaction.  Would that mean less time on Facebook and more time here?  I'm not sure. I guess it will be a trial period for me these coming days or weeks. 

This morning's sermon inspired me to take on more challenges in my life.  Pastor Nate focused on the traits of Caleb that exemplified him as a "rare" man of God (Joshua 14 & 15).  Desiring challenges was one characteristic that was highlighted during the lesson.  The reason why Caleb did this was to increase his faith and trust in God.  Taking the easy road was not an option for him.  I know I need more faith and trust, but am I ready to tackle the challenge that lays before me?

As some of you already know, I have started writing a novel. The road to getting published is not easy.  This project has been on the back burner for a while now, and lately, I can't stop thinking about it. The other week I wrote over 800 words in a few days, and that surprised me!  A couple of days ago I started tearing pages out of my Vogue magazines to make character collages. In order to continue to make more progress I need to carve out time during the day to write.  When or where that will take place is still something I need to figure out. 

Besides the time issue, overcoming the fear of writing, and writing well, is another one of my major challenges, but this quote by Cynthia Ozick encourages me:  "If we had to say what writing is, we would have to define it essentially as an act of courage."  I've never considered myself as a courageous person, but maybe, just maybe, I can prove to myself that I can overcome this obstacle called fear by forging ahead with the book idea.  "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (1  Timothy 1:7)."

Last week I wasn't able to write at all.  The momentum disappeared as quickly as it started.  I'm stuck.  My beloved husband just told me before he fell asleep that I need to keep writing; he should know.  Having a published author in the family helps.  His insights, organizational tips, and words of encouragement are very helpful.   However,  I still get dizzy thinking about my characters and plot lines...there are so many of them!

To be honest, writing this blog right now feels good.  The rush to read everything on my Facebook home page within five minutes, which eventually turns into half an hour, or more, is gone.  Sitting quietly, eating a piece of chocolate cake, drinking a cold glass of milk, and contemplating the next sentence is meditative.  Instead of sharing tidbits of my life, I am sharing a part of my heart.  

So, if you remember, would you mind praying for this novice noveller?  Thank you!






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